Welcome to Marching Band!

Register for 2021 Marching Band by clicking here.
Band Camp
- Band Camp 2021 runs Monday, August 2 thru Friday, August 6
- Please see the Band Camp page for more information
- Tuesdays & Thursdays on Rexilius Field at WNHS
- 6PM - 9PM
- Find the full schedule on the Online Band Calendar
- Music-only Rehearsals Wednesdays, 2:30-4:00 PM
- Marching Band members are eligible for a fall PE waiver. Paperwork is available in the Counseling Office.
Home Football Games
- 6PM Call Time
- National Anthem played on field prior to varsity game
- Competition show performed during halftime
- Band plays pep music in the stands during the game
- Purchase athletic pass from boosters. Booster pass is recommended as its good for all regular season sports home games
- Parent volunteers needed to push Pit and move props!
Band Competitions
- Parent Volunteer Opportunities Galore! - Chaperone, Load/Unload Props, Equipment, and Push Pit
- Block the entire day for your student as competitions typically run from morning to evening
- Band travels by bus to competitions
- Student wear uniforms, MDX shoes and black socks
- The Band watches the remainder of the show together in the stands
- Band returns to WNHS in the evening
- No one leaves until all equipment is put away