Wheaton North
Falcon Marching Band

Marching band is an extra-curricular outgrowth of the band program. The Marching Band is comprised of instrumentalists including Drumline and Color Guard. Marching Band performs at all home football games, the Memorial Day and 4th of July Parades, and several competitions per year. Band Camp (pre-season training), which takes place in August, is where students learn the fundamentals of marching and the competitive and half-time field shows.
What To Expect
Music will be posted on the band website, so students can be prepare. Band Camp 2024 is August 5 to August 9. Here are some ways to stay on top of band activities over the Summer:
Come and be part of a great community at Wheaton North!
2024 Marching Band Performances
- Sat 8/17 March-a-Thon, Wheaton
- Fri 8/30 Home Football Game, WNHS
- Sat 9/14 Chicagoland Marching Invitational, Wheeling
- Fri 9/20 Home Football Game, WNHS
(Band Senior Night) - Sat 9/21 Romeoville Spartan Classic, Romeoville
- Fri 9/27 Home Football Game, WNHS
- Sat 9/28 NIU Red & Black Fall Classic, DeKalb
- Fri 10/4 Home Football Game, WNHS
(8th Grade Step Up Night) - Sat 10/5 DOUBLE HEADER
DGS Mustang Music Bowl, Downers Grove
Providence Marching Invitational, New Lenox - Sat 10/12 Naperville Central Marching Classic, Naperville
- Fri 10/18 Home Football Game, WNHS
Steps To Register
STEP - 1: Register with the Band
Registration for the 2024 season has closed.
STEP - 2: Band Fees Online
The fee for the 2024 season is $865 per marcher and $975 per percussionist. Families may pay the full FBPO amount upon registration, or in the following installments:
- $110 due to Push Coin/WNHS on or before 5/29 (Percussion only)
- $240 due to Push Coin/WNHS on or before 6/3 (All Marchers/Guard)
- $300 due to the FBPO on or before 7/31
Payments can be made by cash or check (payable to FBPO) or by credit card via the band online store. If a student has an outstanding balance from the previous year, it must be paid-in-full before registering for the 2024 season.
All fees and registration must be submitted prior to the start of Band Camp, which runs 8/5 to 8/9.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Click here to pay at the online store.
Checks can be put in the lock box in the band room or mailed to:
Wheaton North Falcon Band Parents Organization
PO Box 441
Wheaton, IL 60187
**If financial hardship limits your ability to pay the marching band fees, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss payment plan options and/or discounted fees for families who are eligible for free and reduced fees.**